3 Skincare Tips To Try This Winter

3 Skincare Tips To Try This Winter

I know I shouldn't complain since Vancouver has much warmer winters compared to the rest of the Country. However lately it feels like I am in a deep freeze whenever I go outside, (eek, okay that was a complaint). And what comes along with cooler weather? Dry skin.

Below are my tips to help keep your skin looking hydrated and glowing. For my full skincare routine click here.

Tip #1

Exfoliate with a gentle face scrub. Exfoliation is the best way to make sure your moisturizers absorb into the skin keeping it hydrated. Exfoliating will also keep the skin looking smooth and free of dry patches.

Tip #2

Add a hydrating mask. Recently I have been using Fresh's Vitamin Nectar Vibrancy Boosting Face Mask. It is a boost of hydration and helps keep my skin looking vibrant in the dull winter months. If you don't have the time to do a mask, another option is an overnight mask. You will wake up feeling refreshed and hydrated!

Tip #3

Drink up! Water... that is. I don't know about all of you but when it is cold out my go-to drink is a hot coffee not a cold glass of water. In the winter I like to start my day with a hot cup of lemon water and then I make sure to carry a water bottle with me so I remember to drink water. Otherwise my skin and lips start to feel very dehydrated. Hydration isn't always about what you put on your skin, the first step to gorgeous skin is a healthy lifestyle.

I hope these tips are helpful! Do you have any winter skincare tips? Sound off in the comment section below.

xo Katie.

Photo Credit: Post Photography

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