Managing Acne In Your 30's

Managing Acne In Your 30's

Where do I even begin... 

Acne has been a life long battle for me. To this day when people say, "you have beautiful skin" I look in the mirror and all I see is tiny little "ice pick" scaring that resulted from years of cystic acne and me picking at my skin. I would say the one thing that has made the biggest difference in my skin is diet. That being said, even when I am eating well I still every so often get a few break outs. Aside from my strict removing makeup rule and regular skincare routine, these are a few products I have found really work and make a difference for me.


Managing acne isn't always about drying out zits. Having balanced skin is the key so I generally will use a hydrating and toning mask like Fresh Rose Face Mask and then when I am having a break out, May Lindstorm Problem Solver Mask is my immediate go-to. This mask lives up to its name. *Note if you do have sensitive skin, patch test this first, it is all natural ingredients but packs a tingly punch.

Toners, Serums & Moisturizers

Most people who follow my blog or instagram know I am a HUGE fan of the Caudalie Beauty Elixir. I use this on myself and clients. It is The Spa in a bottle, one or two spritzes and the scent alone will having you feeling instantly refreshed. The long term benefits I have noticed is less breakouts and tighter pores, 'nough said.

Serums are something that I will admit I usually forget to use. Lately I have been consistent using one twice a day and I really have noticed an improved texture in my skin. Currently I have the new Caudalie Premier Cru Serum which I find wears well under makeup and adds a nice extra boost of hydration without feeling heavy on the skin.

Finding the right moisturizer can be hard. Depending on the time of year your skin might require different needs. I find my problem is even though I still have to deal with breakouts my skin is getting drier the deeper I get into my 30's. So my light weight moisturizers that have worked in the past aren't doing the trick anymore. Two creams I have found that I really love are Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve cream and Omorovicza Gold Rescue Cream. The latter being the heavier of the two but I gently tap it into my skin and it works wonders. 

Ultimately it is finding what works for you and skincare isn't always the answer since a lot of times acne is hormone related. I hope these tips help give you a starting point to managing your skincare routine.

xx Katie.

Photo Credit: Post Photography

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